Build Your Own Timber Frame WorkShops

January 26, 2024
A Wooden Structure in a Yard

Build your Own Timber Frame Work Shop

Why Timber Frame

“For the pure joy of it.”

“Crafting wood puts me in touch with nature.”

“Timber framing is fun.”

“I love the camaraderie here. There is a profound sense of purpose, meaning, and sensibility.”

“Timber frames are timeless.”

“I love the physicality of using my body in a way that engages my heart and mind.”

“Timber framing feeds my soul.”

“It feels so natural, so simple…”

“I feel this craft is a way of life , a reverent way.”

“Timber framing feels like a spiritual practice.”

“Timber framing gives me energy and a sense of belonging on this planet.”

These reasons and more compel me and craftsmen throughout history to share their love of this craft

Credit to Robert Laporte EcoNest Timber Framing
Timber Framing WorkShop and his students

In Build your Own Timber Frame Workshop

Students have the opportunity to schedule and build their own Timber Frame Workshop! Whether by yourself is with friends. This workshop is for anyone who wants to build their own timber frame from design through raising. We provide the tools, space, material and knowledge. We work with you to help you build the Timber Frame of your dreams. From Imagination Through Creation.

Students will become proficient in

Timber Frame History and Design

Shop Drawings

Layout and Marking Joinery

How To Choose and Join Irregular Material

Winding Timbers finding the perfect smaller Timber Within every imperfect Timber

Maintaing and Sharpening Edge Tool

Care and use of Chisels Planes Saws and Drills

Joinery in Timber

With Precision and Accuracy

Material Selection

Timber Sourcing and Conversion


Schedule Your Workshop Today


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